
2017年1月21日—WhenIrunthe144Hztestathttp://www.testufo.com/#test=frameratesonChrome,ittellsmeperformancewarningpotentialbrowserstutter ...,2020年3月2日—Istartedgettingmassivestutterinallvideosinwebbrowsers,includingEdge,Chrome,Firefox,IE,Opera.Basicallylookslikedroppedframes ...,2018年8月9日—Finalygotamonitortoplugmynewpcbutwhileusingbrowserslikeoperaandchromeitstuters(notingames,butIgota144fp...

144Hz test stutter problem? - Displays

2017年1月21日 — When I run the 144Hz test at http://www.testufo.com/#test=framerates on Chrome, it tells me performance warning potential browser stutter ...

All videos are stuttering in browsers

2020年3月2日 — I started getting massive stutter in all videos in web browsers, including Edge, Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera. Basically looks like dropped frames ...

Browser stutters, Ufo test does not sync

2018年8月9日 — Finaly got a monitor to plug my new pc but while using browsers like opera and chrome it stuters(not in games,but I got a 144fps with 144hz ...

Demo of Stutters and Tearing

These animations are accurate only in a stutter-free web browser. Check your Web Browser to verify (Windows Aero, Primary Monitor, etc). Demo: Smooth (VSYNC ...

Frameskipping test always stutters...

2014年4月30日 — For the frame skipping test, Chrome is the preferred browser. ... - If using a laptop, plug it in, use Performance Mode for faster performance.


2023年3月18日 — Im using the chrome browser with only one tab open - I've tried with gsync on/off - turned on Vsync in the driver settings - lowered my frame ...

Stutter warnings

2019年12月20日 — ... STUTTER WARNING: Browser stutter detected (1+). Close other apps and tabs. No others tabs, tried with Chrome and Firefox.. What could be ...

Stuttering in web browsers

2023年1月8日 — In browsers I get this annoying stutter every few seconds while watching videos. ... browser just unbearable stuttering and audio stutters i have ...